Erika Higginbottom, OTR/L

Erika is an occupational therapist located in MA. She offers services in her office in Westford, virtually and she offer in-home visits on the North Shore of MA. Erika has trainings in oral restriction, pre- and pos-frenectomy therapy, the Tummy Timw/ Method,  Upledger Craniosacral Therapy, visual-vestibular techniques, reflex integration, infant feeding (breast and bottle), oral motor skills, sensory integration, and more. Erika specializes in infant feeding and is currently actively pursuing additional training in lactation. Erika brings an evidence-informed, holistic approach to tongue-ties and feeding. She strongly values interprofessional collaboration. 

Erika founded OT By Mommy after her difficult breastfeeding journey and experiences with her own son. The experience of breastfeeding a tongue-tied infant was exhausting and isolating, even as a professional with feeding experience. Given her past experience of integrating oral function and breathwork into her practice with older kids, Erika knew, with the right, infant-specific training, she could support babies and their families through this tongue-tie journey, so no parent would have to feel as lost or isolated while feeding their baby as Erika did. 

Erika lives on the north shore of Massachusetts/ Her two children, Jordan (4) and Lila (1), are the inspiration between OT By Mommy. In her free time, Erika enjoys watching Boston Sports teams, going to the beach, and spending time with her family. 

Photo Credit: Michael Burchfiel

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